Friday, April 10, 2009

and the countdown officially begins...

after a year's worth of anticipation, preparation and delays, i have a departure date for iraq and this time it's one i believe will come to fruition.

may 27th at 19:30 i should land in baghdad.

that makes the next several weeks look roughly like this:

april 26: my last official closing shift at the interviewing center
april 27-30: travel to ft. benning, ga (i'm taking the motorcycle)
may 1-5: CRC (contractor training and preparation) in georgia
may 6-10: travel back to lincoln via new orleans, houston, dallas, etc.
may 11-17: assist with the location move from downtown to fallbrook
may 18-21: wrap up any loose ends for training and in my life in general
may 22-25: tracy and i go to new york to spend time with friends before departure
may 26-27: fly to kuwait, then to baghdad

trying to determine the proper flights is looking to be a little more challenging than originally anticipated.

i never would have thought, looking back over the past few years, that i would be dealing with the logistics of having to determine how i will get my body armour transported to iraq with me. the types of logistical challenges this presents are different than ones i ever thought i would have had to work out.